The concept of peroneal muscle inhibition has both intrigued me and confused me, yet I do see it clinically and see the results, but the lack of objective data does trouble me. I started this discussion to get a better understanding of it. I am not sure it did.
The concept is that there is some sort of inhibition of the peroneal muscles, particularly the peroneus longus and the muscle does not work as it should. This “weakness” can lead to a range of symptoms from functional hallux limitus (and its compensations), increased risk for ankle sprains, lateral foot pain and maybe Achilles tendon pain. Muscle testing will show a significantly weaker peroneus longus. Its not clear what it is that leads to this inhibition which without objective data to consider that is a problem.
Typically with a mobilization of the proximal and distal tibiofibular joint, you can see an almost immediate return to the strength of the peroneus longus. I have certainly seen that plenty of times clinically and have no doubt about its clinical usefulness. However, I really struggle to come up with a coherent explanation of how the inhibition was caused and how the mobilization overcomes it. It you have something to contribute, please head over to Podiatry Arena and contribute your ideas in the thread on this topic.