The abductory twist is an observation that is frequently made during a gait analysis. Just recently I have started to notice a common terminology issue and I am somewhat confused if they are the same thing or separate things. Most people seem to use the term ‘abductory twist‘ as the same thing as a ‘medial heel whip‘. I believe they are probably different things and they get confused as to what the entity actually is.
I consider an abductory twist to be that sudden medial or abductory movement of the heel just as the heel come off the ground. I wrote here about the possible reasons for this, one being an ‘overpronation’ and the other being a functional hallux limitus. I do not consider that this comes from a more proximal problem like others do. Some people also call this a medial heel whip. They only way to help this is to deal with the ‘overpronation’ or functional hallux limitus. Exercises can not help this.
However, when you listen to or read about what some people consider to be a medial heel whip they are talking about the heel being whipped medially, especially in runners, after the foot has come off the ground. That is something different to the abductory twist that has been previously described. I do consider that this medial heel whip could be due to a proximal problem around the hip and pelvis. The only way to deal with this is deal with the proximal causes and exercises may be very helpful.
If you hear or read someone talking about an abductory twist and/or medial heel whip try to ascertain which one of the two entities they are talking or writing about and just when in the gait cycle that they are observed.